My most recent office aquisition...
This icon is Russian patterned after Andrei Rublev's Old Testament Trinity icon.
"Let us love one another, so that with one mind we may confess Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Trinity, one in essence and undivided.
This icon depicts a type of the Holy Trinity as they appeared to Abraham and Sarah by the oaks of Mamre. Three Angels visited them, but they spoke as by one voice. One was the Angel of the Lord, in other words, the Lord Jesus Christ. He received worship, which only God can do. The three appeared as a type of the Trinity. There is an altar with a central chalice in the middle of the three. This is to show the fellowship of love that exists from eternity past in the Holy Trinity.
Good stuff. The art is leaving me thinking and wondering as I blog elsewhere. Lately, I've been wanting to get into painting, mostly because of its conversational value. I'll think on this one for a while. Thanks bro.
Your post makes me think of what happens in D.C. with Church of the Saviour. From what I hear and read, they do a lot with art. It is an avenue for people to express the things they value, to find outlets for creative expression of their thoughts and feeling, as well as both subtle and blatent expressions of their worldviews. I think that your painting and doing so or sharing with others interested in the arts could be a great avenue to open the doors to spiritual conversations and redemptive relationships. Besides, isn't God an artist at heart? The diverse splendor of creation speaks to the artistic (right-brained?) heart of her creator. Viva la paint brush! (And scan some of your stuff to send to me!)
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